USED FOR: Formaldehyde Removal, Air Purification, Bacteria Removal, Odor Removal, Sterilization and Purification.
SCOPE: By using proper disinfecting solution, the Nano Spray Gun can be used for the disinfection of SKIN, CLOTHES, FURNITURE, SURFACES, and GROCERY. It can be used Indoors and Outdoors in HOMES, CARS, BARS, KITCHENS, RESTAURANTS, SCHOOLS, HOTELS, BUILDINGS, PUBLIC AREAS, & GYMNASIUM.
DESIGN: The Compact Body Makes It Easy To Use Anywhere, And The Ergonomic Design of The Handle Makes It Comfortable. Can Also Be Used for Watering Flowers, Plants, or moisturizing the hairs.
METAL NOZZLE: the generated droplets are ≤50 microns,which belongs to Ultra low volume fogger,atomization flow 142-145ml per minute,the spray distance.
CORDLESS: No need to connect to electricity while using the device, use it hassle free.
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